
Empathy Fatigue

Empathy Fatigue (EF) is "...a state of psychological, emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and occupational exhaustion…experienced by the counselor after listening to the stressful events and problems experienced by clients on an on-going, continual basis while providing consistent empathy and sensitivity.” (Empathy Fatigue, Dr. Mark Stebnicki, 2008)

Empathy Fatigue is a fatigue reaction experienced by mental health professionals who utilize empathy-focused interactions and person-centered theory and techniques as their primary means to build and establish therapeutic rapport with their clients.

  • A decreased ability to listen and respond empathically to clients.
  • Counselors may be overwhelmed by emotions that parallel those of their clients and experience feelings of anxiety, depression, grief, loss or detachment.
  • Symptoms can move along a continuum from low to moderate to high levels of fatigue, and have acute, cumulative or delayed onset reactions.
  • Burnout Syndrome can result when a counselor reaches the significantly impaired phase of Empathy Fatigue. Significantly impaired phase can last weeks, months or even years.
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