
April is Stress Awareness Month!

Tips for StressWellness!

Create personal affirmations and repeat them out loud on a daily basis.  One suggestion for doing this is to write your affirmations on an index card and tape them to your bathroom mirror where you are sure to see them!  Practice saying your affirmations while looking in the mirror.

Do you know how many negative thoughts we think about ourselves during one day??  Way too many!!  When you catch yourself thinking something negative like, "What's the point?  I'll never be good at this."....STOP and REGROUP!  Turn that negative into a positive..."With practice, I am improving everyday.  Keep up the good work!".

Are there specific people or one person who causes you the most stress in your life?  It may be time to re-evaluate your relationships.  If you are surrounded by negative people it will increase your level of stress.  Find people who are positive!

Journal your thoughts and feelings when you are feeling stressed.  Write things down, in the very moment when you are feeling the most stress, and then come back later when you are feeling better and read what you wrote.  Rereading your journal posts may help you see another perspective on the situations or people that are the most stressful...and help you find solutions to handle things differently in the future.

Choose Wellness!