
Technology Stress

Is your computer (and other technology) causing you stress?

The use of computers and smart phones on a daily basis has become very common in the workplace setting.  For clinicians, I'm not sure if I can think of an instance where a clinician wouldn't need to have access to a computer or phone at some time during their work day!

Now that it has become more common for people to have computers both at home and in the workplace setting, along with carrying their smart phones with them constantly, it has become increasingly harder to separate work and home life as we become more dependent on technology.

Not only can workers be contacted by their employers or clients via e-mail or phone at any time, workers may continually check emails or messages after hours and continue working on projects long after the "work day" has ended.  Workers who tele-commute may find that they are spending even more hours on "work" if they don't establish clear boundaries between their work life and their personal life.  Workers may even find themselves spending more time with their computers than with their spouses or family members.  A survey conducted by Kelton Research (2007), reported that 65% of 1000 Americans sampled spent more time with their computer than their spouse and spent about 12 hours a month on fixing computer-related issues.

A study from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden (2012) conducted with over 4,000 young adults reported that heavy technology use was linked to fatigue, stress and depression.  Heavy cell phone use and constant accessibility via cell phones was linked to increases in sleep disorders and depressive symptoms.  Heavy computer use was liked to sleep disorders and late night computer use associated with sleep disorders, stress, and depressive symptoms.

The term "Computer Stress Syndrome" was coined to address the overwhelming stress and frustration people experienced due to numerous, persistent technological problems, such as "...technical failures, viral infections, and long waits to resolve support issues".  An online survey conducted by Harris Interactive (October 2013), reported that 45 percent of 2,025 adults between the ages of 18 and 34 admitted that waiting for a slow computer left them feeling more drained than a hard workout.  Just two hours a week spent waiting on a slow computer leaves people feeling "...drained, stressed, and less likely to engage in a healthy lifestyle".

Tips for improving technology-related stress:

Practice Office Ergonomics - Focus on proper posture and placement of your monitor and keyboard.
Make sure your computer is in front of you, rater than to the side, to minimize twisting your body or neck.  Reduce glare on your screen by modifying overhead lights or placing your monitor away from windows and blinds to reduce eyestrain.

Create a contact list for computer support.  This may be your Office IT Department, nearby computer store, online resource (website or blog), or co-workers or friends with technical savvy.  Don't let your computer problems create unnecessary stress or panic.  Reach out for help when needed.

Set a timer every hour and take a five minute stretch or short walk.  Your body and your mind will thank you!

Don't take your work home with you.  Don't check or respond to emails or phone calls after work hours unless it is an emergency situation or a job requirement.

Turn off your computer (and TV) at least one hour before sleep.  Lights from TV and computer screens affect melatonin production and melanopsin stimulation, and throw off circadian rhythms, thus, interrupting or preventing deep, restorative sleep and causing increases in stress and depressive symptoms.

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