
Healthy Coping Strategies

As clinicians, we may advise our clients to strive for balance...moderation...practice self-care. Good advice; however, many clinicians may not always follow their own advice!  By changing certain aspects of our lifestyles and daily habits, we may help decrease our vulnerability to the stressors that lead to distress in our lives.  

Some healthy coping strategies that you may wish to introduce into your life to help minimize the negative effects of stress include:

1) Anticipate your needs for the day and plan ahead. (cognitive)
2) Keep your sense of humor in tense situations. (emotional)
3) Participate in a new, fun activity during the work week.  Go bowling! (behavioral)
4) Take time for daily meditation. (spiritual)
5) Visit with a friend and don't discuss work! (interpersonal)
6) Strive for at least 7 - 8 hours of sleep a night. (physical)

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