The term Counselor Fatigue Syndromes is used to group various professional fatigue reactions that can negatively impact a counselor. Counselor Fatigue Syndromes include Empathy Fatigue Syndrome, Compassion Fatigue Syndrome, and Burnout Syndrome.
The American Counseling Association's Task Force on Counselor Wellness and Impairment (ACA, 2004) identified targeted prevention and resiliency education for counselors as an area for further development. It is important to understand, and be able to identify, the job-related stressors that can place counselors at risk of developing a Counselor Fatigue Syndrome, with negative effects to psychological and/or physical health, as well as an increased risk for ethical or legal violations.
Mental health professionals and graduate counseling students who are knowledgeable of the signs and symptoms of Counselor Fatigue Syndromes can utilize this information in identifying healthy coping strategies when creating a Counselor Wellness Plan.
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