
Symptoms of Counselor Burnout

Burnout is a syndrome of exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy and is a serious health risk for counselors.  Burnout Syndrome is a progression process and can affect anyone!

Warning symptoms of Burnout Syndrome might include:
  • Emotional Symptoms:  Frustration, anxiety, mood swings, irritability, or excessive worrying. 
  • Mental Symptoms:  Negative attitude, confusion, boredom with work responsibilities, forgetfulness and poor concentration.
  • Physical Symptoms: Fatigue, insomnia, headaches, problems with digestion, changes in appetite, and increased use of drugs, alcohol or tabacco.
  • Spiritual Symptoms:  Loss of meaning or direction, martyrdom, feelings of emptiness or cynicism. 
  • Relational Symptoms: Depersonalization of clients, resentment, increased isolation or loneliness.

Cotton, Frances; Gilbertson, Joni; Hornsby, Mary; Raya, Shannon: Verdick, David (2000).  Counselor Burnout and Stress.  Retrieved August 8, 2012, from

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